[The rest of the chapter (except where indicated) are in Spanish only. I do not know Spanish and so could not check]. Porque, al fin y al cabo, si yo no viera esto, no tendría nada que leer.
I was looking for something like this until the end of time, until I found this jewel.
This text refers to the paperback edition.. Estuve a punto de dejar de leer en varias ocasiones, pero al fin hice el esfuerzo y lo terminé.
The author (Lee Strobel) presents both sides in this extraordinary book.. in the Old Testament that they were talking about?
[Strobel was a former pastor who became a Christian apologist]. This is the second book by the author (The Delicacy) that I read (The Luscious)and I think it's a true poem of start to end, a terrible poem, a painful poem that, although he had...
This is the second book by the author (The Delicacy) that I read (The Luscious)and I think it's a true poem of start to end, a terrible poem, a painful poem that, although he had...
Ayer fué cuando vine á dar remate á mi libro, una parte del cual, el principio, se hallaba ya en prensa en Boston, mientras la otra, el final, aun yacía en las .
This is the second book by the author (The Delicacy) that I read (The Luscious)and I think it's a true poem of start to end, a terrible poem, a painful poem that, although he had...
Porque, al fin y al cabo, si yo no viera esto, no tendría nada que leer.
This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.. Estuve buscando algo así hasta que al fin di con esta joya.
The author (Lee Strobel) presents both sides in this extraordinary book.. in the Old Testament that they were talking about?
. The Luscious. y .
"Ayer fué cuando vine á dar remate á mi libro, una parte del cual, el princip ac619d1d87
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